About the Program
This program includes Hebrew reading, prayer comprehension and Judaic studies. Experiential learning takes place in all grade levels as students join T’filah and explore aspects of Judaism through field trips, art, music, dance and project-oriented activities.
3rd Grade
Third Grade is the first year of our two-day-a-week program. Wednesday is the time reserved for learning and practicing Hebrew reading skills. Sunday is dedicated to holiday and Judaic learning with a focus on Torah. The curriculum takes the learner to a journey of chosen Biblical stories. Throughout the exploration of these stories we want the learners to identify themselves with the Torah’s characters through thinking about them, writing about them and by acting out their stories. The ultimate goal is to inspire them in such a way that these stories could enable them to apply the teachings of the stories they will learn to their own lives. At the end of this program we would like to perceive that our students see the Torah as part of their own story and that they feel comfortable with the idea of interpreting and adding to the Torah text.
4th Grade
Fourth Graders “travel” the State of Israel. This experiential social studies unit introduces them to the uniqueness of our relationship with Israel — its geography, people, culture, language and history — and encourages them to develop their own personal relationship with Israel. The special connection that all Jews around the world feel to Israel gives us an opportunity to be turned into a “live” connection. Students communicate with each other during the year, sharing things about themselves, their Jewish community, city and country.
5th Grade
Our Fifth Grade students will learn post-biblical heroes/sheroes. Students will have an understanding of what it means to be a hero through a Jewish lens. They will research the life of Jewish personalities and present their findings. In addition, students will learn from special guests who have made an impact on the Jewish world.
6th Grade
We know how busy middle school can be. Therefore, our Sixth Grade program is scheduled once per week on Sundays from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM or Fridays from 4:15 PM to 7:30 PM. The Friday track is for intermediate or advanced Hebrew readers only. Friday students receive pizza at the start of class and are required to attend kabbalat shabbat services.
The Sixth Grade program, taught by clergy and faculty, includes the following:
- The prayer curriculum focuses on the Shabbat morning and afternoon services and the specific prayers required for becoming a B’nai Mitzvah.
- Intermediate and advanced Hebrew students learn basic Torah tropes, the ritual chanting of reading from the Torah.
- Judaic Studies focused on the upcoming milestone as well as Pirke Avot, the Ethics of Our Fathers.
- Parent Education programs focused on the student’s Jewish journey.

About Our Curriculum
Music and the arts have always been important components of Jewish culture and they play a significant role in the overall school curriculum. We want our students to be acquainted with Jewish art in its many creative expressions. We also strive to give students many opportunities to express their feelings and connections to Judaism and to Israel through our art enrichment: music, dance, literature, arts and crafts.
Shabbat, Israel and the holidays are another essential ingredient in our curriculum. Students in every level, from Pre-Kindergarten through Sixth grade, explore the themes and values of our festivals and holy days and experience them in many creative ways.
Options for
Learning Hebrew
Private Tutorial, Grades 3 to 6: Choose the day, time and location you prefer for your child. Student must also attend Sundays from 9:30 am to Noon. Read Hebrew Tutoring Guidelines
Small Group Tutorial, Grades 3 to 6: Your child may attend tutorials with his or her friends, with a maximum of 3 students in a group who must be in the same grade. The group may select the day, time and location that suits their schedules. Please note that scheduled tutorials are not subject to change. Students must also attend Sundays from 9:30 am to 12 noon.
Family Education Programs
During the year, each grade has an innovative session in which parents learn with their children. Programs are tailored to the grades’ themes. In addition, parents are encouraged to participate in class field trips as they relate to a Jewish holiday or the grade curriculum. Be sure to attend these unique learning opportunities. (You are an important part of the equation!)