A Temple Beth Am Antisemitism Initiative

Understanding Our Neighbors
As a Jewish community founded on principles of love, compassion, and understanding, we must speak up in the face of antisemitism, bias-based hatred, and prejudice towards any group.
We believe it is our duty to ensure that future generations inherit a world free from discrimination and bigotry.
The unBIASed initiative at Temple Beth Am is an auxiliary committee focused on:
- Supporting our Jewish community and our neighborhood communities by opening up discussion regarding ways we can share and resolve the effects of prejudice, stereotypes, and discrimination on our families, our communities, and our lives.
- Establishing cohort partnerships where we work towards a common goal together, gather to solve problems that we can’t resolve on our own, and commit to improving our world together.
- Together with our partners we show strength, to honor and acknowledge each other.
By standing up to hate and divisiveness, we send a powerful message that we are here for each other, and here to stay.
unBIASed Initiative Mission
Temple Beth Am’s unBIASed initiative strives to address antisemitism and all forms of hate in our community through programming, learning opportunities, partnerships, and youth engagement.
Support this Initiative and donate today!
To read more about Rabbi Barras’ thoughts regarding unBIASed, visit his message to the community here.
Community Awards
It was award time at The Hub, where the 10 Days of Connection Ambassadors held their first-ever Connection Awards on March 16, 2024. As Caroline Miller, one of the event’s organizers, stated “It was spectacular to see The Hub on that afternoon, full of energy and inspiration, as we came together with over twenty organizations, businesses, and individuals from across Miami, to celebrate one another and recognize our respective efforts to build bridges.”
The unBIASed initiative at Temple Beth Am was one of twenty proud recipients of the award. The award exists to acknowledge efforts to bring people together across differences in fun, unique, and powerful ways around South Florida. Last year, our programs fit the niche that the award serves to acknowledge with a number of our programs – Break the Bias, Lawyers without Rights, Letters from Anne & Martin, and Breaking Bread/Breaking Bias, the potluck dinner held at the Unitarian Church.
The award was presented during a lovely luncheon at the Miami Police Benevolent Society where dozens of women were acknowledged for their exceptional service to the City of Miami. It was truly our honor when Break the Bias and the unBIASed initiative was given this special award from the Office of Equal Opportunity and Diversity programs. The engraved glass monument reads in appreciation of your outstanding support, dedication, and commitment.”