Torah Study
Join us for Torah Study on Saturday mornings at 9:00 AM in the Chapel, Lewis Family Religious Life Complex. Coffee and bagels are served, and everyone is welcome!
No previous experience or Hebrew is required. If you have any questions about the study sessions, please contact Mindy Robbin in the Clergy Office at [email protected] or at 786.364.9446.
Triennial Reading Schedule – Year 2
Bereshit 3:1-4:25
Noach 8:15-9:29
Lech Lecha 14:1-15:21
Vayera 20:1-21:34
Chaye Sarah 24:1-24:67
Toledot 26:1-26:35
Vayetze 30:1-31:18
Vayishlach 34:1-34:31
Vayeshev 38:1-38:30
Miketz 42:1-42:38
Vayigash 46:1-46:34
Vayechi 49:1-49:33
Shemot 3:1-4:18
Va’era 7:14-8:28
Bo 11:1-12:28
Beshalach 15:1-15:27
Yitro 19:1-19:25
Mishpatim 21:37-23:9
Terumah 25:31-26:30
Tetzaveh 29:1-29:37
Ki Tisa 32:1-33:6
Yayakhel 36:1-36:38
Pekude 39:22-39:43
Vayikra 3:1-4:21
Tzav 7:1-7:38
Shemini 10:1-10:20
Tazria 13:29-13:46
Metzora 14:33-14:57
Achare Mot 17:1-17:16
Kedoshim 19:19-19:37
Emor 23:1-23:44
Behar 25:14-25:34
Bechukotai 26:27-26:46
Bemidbar 2:1-2:34
Naso 5:11-6:27
Beha’alotecha 10:1-10:36
Shlach 14:1-14:45
Korach 17:1-17:28
Chukat 20:1-20:29
Balak 23:1-23:30
Pinchas 27:1-28:15
Matot 31:13-31:54
Massei 34:1-34:29
Devarim 1:46-2:37
Va’etchanan 4:44-5:30
Ekev 9:6-10:11
Re’eh 13:2-14:29
Shofetim 18:9-19:21
Ki Tetze 23:1-24:13
Ki Tavo 28:1-28:37
Nitzavim 30:1-30:10
Vayelech 31:9-31:18
Ha’azinu 32:19-32:42
Vezot Habrachah 33:13-33:29
Passover 1st Day
Exodus 12:37-42; 13:3
Passover 7th Day
Exodus 14:30-15:21
Passover-Shabbat Preceding
Weekly Torah Portion
Passover-Shabbat During
Exodus 33:12-34:26
Exodus 19:1-8; 20:1-18
Sukkot–1st Day
Leviticus 23:33-44
Simchat Torah
Deuteronomy 34 and Genesis 1:1-10
Chanukah 1st Shabbat
Weekly Torah Portion
Chanukah 2nd Shabbat
Weekly Torah Portion
Purim-Shabbat Preceding
Weekly Torah Portion
Sukkot–Shabbat During
Exodus 33:12-34:26