Sunday Salon: Wisdom Grows in My Garden
Wisdom Grows in My Garden by Rabbi Paul Plotkin
This delightful book by Rabbi Plotkin reveals the wisdoms waiting for us in our gardens: lessons in patience and timing, getting through difficult beginnings, listening deeply to oneself in the midst of the life around us… All this and more awaits our participation, where we find how our own dreams link us to the dreams of the world.
About the author
Rabbi Paul Plotkin was born and raised in Toronto Canada and has lived in South Florida for over four decades. He served as a pulpit rabbi for forty years and is the author of The Lord is My Shepherd, Why Do I Still Want? A book about healing after suffering personal loss.
He has published articles in national magazines, hosted a cable TV show that appeared in ninety markets, and currently writes a blog.
He started gardening to complement his love of cooking and eating and discovered a wealth of life lessons in the process, as well as the joy of tasting a tomato that tasted like a tomato.
RSVP to Etta Gold at [email protected].
Adult Reading Room Library events are coordinated by Etta Gold MLS RJE, Congregational Librarian.