Socol Speaker Series Presents: Daniel Gordis – CANCELLED
Due to the events in Israel, we will have to cancel our speaking engagement with Daniel Gordis. We hope to reschedule for a future date.
Israel: What’s Happening on the Ground, and What’s at Stake?
Daniel Gordis is a Koret Distinguished Fellow at Shalem College. He is the author of thirteen
books and the widely read blog/podcast, Israel from the Inside.
Gordis’ history of Israel, Israel: A Concise History of a Nation Reborn, received the 2016
National Jewish Book Award as “Book of the Year.” Ambassador Dennis Ross, reflecting on the
book, wrote, “When I am asked ‘Is there one book to read about Israel?’ I now have an answer.”
In 2014, the Jerusalem Post listed him as one of the world’s 50 most influential Jews, while
Jeffrey Goldberg of The Atlantic has written, “If you asked me, ‘of all the people you know, who
cares the most about the physical, moral and spiritual health of Israel?’ I would put the commentator and scholar Daniel Gordis at the top of the list.”
Gordis’ most recent book, Impossible Takes Longer: 75 Years After its Creation, Has Israel
Fulfilled Its Founders’ Dreams?, was published in 2023.