2006–07 — Neil Littauer, Alan Rosenthal

Congratulations to Neil Littauer and Alan Rosenthal, 2006–07 recipients of The Harry Gunther Service Award, which is presented to a deserving Temple Beth Am member who has worked for the benefit of the Temple community in a way which would be considered “above and beyond.”
Neil — who for the past two years has co-chaired the Communications Committee with Glenn Widom and spearheaded the development of Beth Am’s new website — has spent countless hours launching the website, designing graphics, training our staff and serving as our volunteer Webmaster.
Alan, who has served as the Temple’s Counsel for the past two years, has worked tirelessly with President Bobby Schatzman and the Executive Board on contracts as we completed the construction of the new Administration-Social Hall-Sanctuary Complex and other complex legal issues.
This award is named for Harry Gunther, a wonderful man who made Temple Beth Am a high priority in his life. His widow, Ethelle, remained an active member of the Temple Beth Am family for nearly 60 years until her death in 2013.