Fun for the whole family! Enjoy music, dinner, entertainment for kids.
Please join us for our annual fundraiser, which supports scholarships for tuition, travel, and programming. Purchase your Michael Meltzer catered Tailgate Dinner and sponsorships today! Look for information coming soon about our online Auction! Dinner, music, entertainment, and games follow YERS Shabbat services.
Evening Schedule:
6:30 PM: YERS Student-led Shabbat Service
7:30 PM-9:30 PM: Super Bowl Tailgate Dinner
We encourage you to wear your favorite team jersey for YERS Kabbalat Shabbat and join us for this touchdown celebration!
The Super Bowl Shabbat Committee is looking for teen volunteers for the Super Bowl Shabbat Dinner following the YERS led Shabbat Services. Email Sophie Brilliant, [email protected]
This is among the temple’s most popular shabbats; you won’t want to miss it! Your participation helps create opportunities for our youth. Let’s make this a game-changer together!
For any inquiries, email Lisa Reichert, [email protected]
Super Bowl Shabbat Sponsorships
Many thanks to our sponsors and supporters for their generous support.
First Down Family Sponsor:
Jeff and Lili Agron
Marc and Judith Bell Family
Felicia, Andrew, Kaia & Alora Berkowitz
Rooney and Michael Brodie Family
Shelly and Steve Brodie
The Burns Family
The Debowsky Family
Jill and Seth Diamond Family
Simon, Colin, Mommy, Mimi and Gecky Gold
Susie, Joe, Conner and Hudson Goldberg
Howard and Melissa Goldfarb Family
Jonathan, Mallory, Riley and Harper Greenberg
The Jacoby’s
The Gussin Family
The Hall Family
The Haller Family
Scott and Yonah Janowitz Family
The Kandell Family
The Kaskel Family
The Luck Family
The Macy Family
The Misrahi Family
The Panoff Family
The Ramsay Family
Edward Schwartz
The Silverman Family
The Zunamon Family