Simchat Torah 5784
Celebrate the sweetness of Torah!
Join us for service, Hakafah dance party, and dessert oneg!
On Simchat Torah, we honor the completion of the year’s Torah readings as we start anew. Fun for all ages as we dance around the Sanctuary and “holdup” the Torah as it is completely unrolled, so that we can all see it from beginning to end! Don’t miss our dessert reception immediately following the service, featuring chocolate fountains. Sweet!
6:00 pm — Pre-Neg; join us for a nosh, some wine and a chance to relax before services.
6:30 pm — Simchat Torah Shabbat Service in the Sanctuary.
If you would like to follow along with the Mishkan T’filah for Shabbat prayer book, click here for the online version.
If you are observing a Yahrzeit for a loved one, please know that our Service tonight also will feature the reading of all names.